Its 7:15am and I arrive to work, I let myself in with the key mum has provided me and I hear the little boy I look after run to the stair gate upstairs and shout down to me.
I go upstairs and am greeted by him with a big cuddle, I then go in to mums room where she is doing her make-up and we have a chat about our evening and how he has been. I then take him downstairs for breakfast, giving him a bowl of corn flakes his favourite!!
Mum comes down when she is ready and says bye to the boy giving him a kiss and cuddle, he waves back and continues to eat breakfast.
After breakfast we sit and play, he already has toys out but likes to get more from his baskets, we sit and explore and read stories. After a while we go back upstairs and I get him dressed choosing his clothes from his drawers, I encourage him to help put his arms and legs in!! He then brushes his teeth and we go downstairs and set off for the day.
Every day as a nanny is different some days we have playdates with other children and other days we go to groups, this is great as both him and I get to socialise and he is still learning new things in different ways.
I tend to stick to a routine so on a Monday we attend “Messy Mondays” this is a walk in group that encourages children to explore messy activities such as painting, crazy form and water play, this is great as he loves to get messy!! We then attend “showstoppers” in the afternoon which is a music class encouraging children to follow different actions and explore sensory objects and lights.
Getting out and about is great as it breaks the day up and keeps the him entertained and happy.
We have lunch at home at 12pm which I prepare. As I prepare his food for the day I know his likes and dislikes which makes it easier, however mum is extremely relaxed and does not mind him trying new things which is great!
At 12:30 I put him down for a sleep in his bed, playing soft music and patting his back until he falls asleep.
Once he wakes we have a cuddle and a snack before heading off to music class, he walks in and explores the room and other children whilst I catch up with the other parents and nannies before the class begins. I encourage him to join in and time flies as we are both having fun!
Before I know it, it is time to head home for tea. Once he has had tea we sit and play. He shows me what he wants to play with and I talk about what we can see, teaching him new words and linking words to objects.
Mummy and daddy arrive home at 6pm and I tell them everything we have done for the day before I head home.
Author: Jen Wilson